Tuesday, July 28, 2009


So today was our second day on the mission field and we had an amazing time. We returned to the same neighborhood as yesterday and was able to give bags of food to the people there. We had another program tonight which was a huge success. We had a large number of people except the Lord.. I don't know the exact number..

One blessing that we saw today was from a very caring lady who has been letting us use her house for electricity and water and such... She told us that she wanted to have a church service in her front yard once a week and was willing to open her home for it. It is a blessing to see that our work will go beyond us and continue in the neighborhood.

We have truly felt the presence of the Lord while we have been here and it is thanks to your prayers. Please continue to pray from us since we are only half way through the week. Pray for strength for the students as this is when they begin to feel tired and strength for the leaders to keep encouraging the students. God Bless

Team Monterrey

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