Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wednesday & Thursday

Hey Everyone!

So Wednesday was a very HOT and crazy day. The temperature was around a 11o and it felt like we were in a oven melting. Even though there was heat we went to a Cerebral Palsy Orphanage and was able to spend about 30 mins there. Although we could not clearly communicate with the kids we sang them songs and could see the joy in there eyes.

After the Orphanage we went to a soup kitchen where we played with kids and was able to pass out a dinner to a very poor neighbor hood. It was amazing to see the smile on thier faces when we gave them a meal. The minisitry has been going very well and we know it is due to your prayers!

After we were done at the soup kitchen we were able to go to the summer house of the base we are staying at and go swimming. It was an amazing reward to a hards day work. After some rough housing in the pool and a few scrapes and bruises we made it back to base and all went to sleep.


Today we did construction all day. We helped out Pastor Ramon, a loving guy who has given so much to his community that we were grateful to give something back to him. We painted his church, as well as some of our bodies, and finished building his new home. This required digging holes, putting up walls, and hauling stuff around. Not to mention, dropping cement blocks off the roof. Tonight we are just chilling at the base and getting ready for tomorrow which is our free day. It looks like a storm is coming in which will be a blessing since it's been in the 100s all week. God bless! Can't wait to tell you more when we see you.

Team Monterrey

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


So today was our second day on the mission field and we had an amazing time. We returned to the same neighborhood as yesterday and was able to give bags of food to the people there. We had another program tonight which was a huge success. We had a large number of people except the Lord.. I don't know the exact number..

One blessing that we saw today was from a very caring lady who has been letting us use her house for electricity and water and such... She told us that she wanted to have a church service in her front yard once a week and was willing to open her home for it. It is a blessing to see that our work will go beyond us and continue in the neighborhood.

We have truly felt the presence of the Lord while we have been here and it is thanks to your prayers. Please continue to pray from us since we are only half way through the week. Pray for strength for the students as this is when they begin to feel tired and strength for the leaders to keep encouraging the students. God Bless

Team Monterrey

Monday, July 27, 2009


Hola mama y papa! Today we had tacos! Then we practiced our mimes, Bible stories, and testimonies to prepare for our park ministry. We then did our work projects on base. Basically, everyone is in charge of an area on the base and we either have to clean prepare, etc. for that day. We then had more tacos and went to our park ministry. We were in the suburbs of Monterrey which is a very poor part of town. All of us realized how lucky we are to live in the area we live in. At this particular "neighborhood" we distributed Bibles and just loved on the kids and parents and told them about Jesus. Tomorrow we will go to the same neighborhood and distribute food. We had a program at six p.m. that went wonderful! We had around twenty kids (including a couple adults) come to Christ. At our program we did our mimes, Bible story, Gospel ( which included the testimony), and just played with the kids. A BIG highlight of the day was when we went to get hambrigias which are mexican hamburgers from a burger stand across from the local oxxo station. We all fell in love with them!! We ask you to continue to pray for saftey, preparation in our hearts, and the hearts of others. We all miss you and are praying for you!! God Bless!
Team Monterrey!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Hello parents! We have arrived in mexico safe and sound! It took us about an hour or so to get across the border but we all made it ( despite the visa mess-ups). All in all it took us about six hours to get to Monterrey. We got lost in Monterrey for about an hour but finally contacted our stem leader and he showed us the way. The house we are staying in has three floors consisting of a kitchen, porch, boys and girls dorm. We do not have ac tonight but they are hoping to get that fixed by tomorrow. For now, we are using loads of electricity with fans!! We arrived at the STEM house and unpacked then had dinner. For dinner we had tostadas. We then had a information meeting then walked to a oxxo which is a local gas station. There we got to enjoy ice cream, drinks, chocolate, and different mexican foods. We walked back and then all hung out on the porch. Some kids that were here for a youth camp talked to us (with the little english they knew) but we communicated well. God is good!! They left tonight for their home town which is about six or seven hours away. Tomorrow we will be doing park ministrys and door ministry which is where we bring Bibles and Tracts to peoples houses. We ask you to pray for us and our sfatey, to prepare our hearts for the upcoming week, and to prepare the hearts of others as they hear the most important message they will ever hear. God bless!! We all miss you!
Team Monterrey

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Welcome to Monterrey's blog spot! Right now we are all awaiting tomorrow and packing like crazy. We ask that you keep us in your prayers as we drive to Monterrey tomorrow, and go through the process of crossing the border. Pray that we have no problems with the visa's and passports. Also that we have no problem finding the Mission Compound since this is the first time we are driving ourselfs. Besides the craziness of packing we are all excitied to see what God has in store for the city of Monterrey and for us.