Sunday, July 26, 2009


Hello parents! We have arrived in mexico safe and sound! It took us about an hour or so to get across the border but we all made it ( despite the visa mess-ups). All in all it took us about six hours to get to Monterrey. We got lost in Monterrey for about an hour but finally contacted our stem leader and he showed us the way. The house we are staying in has three floors consisting of a kitchen, porch, boys and girls dorm. We do not have ac tonight but they are hoping to get that fixed by tomorrow. For now, we are using loads of electricity with fans!! We arrived at the STEM house and unpacked then had dinner. For dinner we had tostadas. We then had a information meeting then walked to a oxxo which is a local gas station. There we got to enjoy ice cream, drinks, chocolate, and different mexican foods. We walked back and then all hung out on the porch. Some kids that were here for a youth camp talked to us (with the little english they knew) but we communicated well. God is good!! They left tonight for their home town which is about six or seven hours away. Tomorrow we will be doing park ministrys and door ministry which is where we bring Bibles and Tracts to peoples houses. We ask you to pray for us and our sfatey, to prepare our hearts for the upcoming week, and to prepare the hearts of others as they hear the most important message they will ever hear. God bless!! We all miss you!
Team Monterrey

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