Monday, July 27, 2009


Hola mama y papa! Today we had tacos! Then we practiced our mimes, Bible stories, and testimonies to prepare for our park ministry. We then did our work projects on base. Basically, everyone is in charge of an area on the base and we either have to clean prepare, etc. for that day. We then had more tacos and went to our park ministry. We were in the suburbs of Monterrey which is a very poor part of town. All of us realized how lucky we are to live in the area we live in. At this particular "neighborhood" we distributed Bibles and just loved on the kids and parents and told them about Jesus. Tomorrow we will go to the same neighborhood and distribute food. We had a program at six p.m. that went wonderful! We had around twenty kids (including a couple adults) come to Christ. At our program we did our mimes, Bible story, Gospel ( which included the testimony), and just played with the kids. A BIG highlight of the day was when we went to get hambrigias which are mexican hamburgers from a burger stand across from the local oxxo station. We all fell in love with them!! We ask you to continue to pray for saftey, preparation in our hearts, and the hearts of others. We all miss you and are praying for you!! God Bless!
Team Monterrey!


  1. Awesome! I am excited that its going so well. I cant wait to see what God has in store for you the rest of the week. Do you think you can get the recipe for those, hamburgers?

  2. Greetings and welcome to Monterrey! I'm from the U.S. Consulate General here in Monterrey. One of our jobs is to help ensure the safety and security of American citizens travelling in the area. I stumbled across your blog, and just wanted to see if you folks have any questions, and to encourage you to register with our website at
    It's the first resource we have in the case of an emergency to help us figure out how many Americans are in the region and where they can be found. Please e-mail me at if you have any questions.
